In Farewell Letter, Bob Dole Pokes Fun At Chicago’s Reputation For Letting Dead People Vote

In a farewell letter to the American public, former Senator Bob Dole, who passed away at 98 years old this week of lung cancer, mocked Chicago’s long history of allowing dead people to vote in elections. Robin Dole, Dole’s daughter, read the tribute during her speech at his funeral in the Washington National Cathedral in … Read more

14-year-old girl shoots a 42-point buck, setting new world record – Proud Papa!

While this 14-year-old from Kansas may not have been facing British redcoats, there’s a truth that rings in the words of this Founding Father. Most adults these days have no idea how to even hold a gun, let alone use it for defense or hunting. Paslie Werth defies this sad trend, bagging a massive 42-point … Read more

Coronavirus COVID-19 Maps and Information

WorldOmeter – US with state by state listing List of states and territories of the United States by population PolicyMap – Covid-19 Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) COVID-19 projections assuming full social distancing through May 2020, from the Institute for Health Metrics … Read more

How a Kansas humanities program shaped a generation of Catholic leaders

Almost 50 years ago, the University of Kansas established a new humanities curriculum. It lasted only about 10 years. But those 10 years inspired conversions, priestly vocations, and so many Catholic initiatives that the program is still leaving its mark on the life of the Catholic Church. In September, a memorial dedicated to the Pearson … Read more