Orbán, Russia, China, Iran, &c.

Once again, Senator Mitch McConnell issues a warning about the Hungarian leader Mitch McConnell may not be at the center of the Republican Party anymore (Republican leader in the Senate though he is, for a few more months). But he is doing his best to warn Republicans, and the American Right, about their embrace of … Read more

Anti-Israel groups in US aim to ‘bring the war home’

Antisemitism watchdog Canary Mission has released a startling report showing how anti-Israel groups “declared war on America” following Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel. By using activists’ own words, the watchdog has shown that numerous anti-Israel protesters in the United States now “view the destruction of the State of Israel as the gateway to … Read more

Silent and smiling, Pope offers an opening to ‘transgender’ advocates

No, Pope Francis has not said that the Catholic Church should end her opposition to sex-change operations. But he has: Agreed to a meeting with advocates of “gender-altering therapy” arranged by Sister Jeannine Gramick of New Ways Ministry, “wanted Pope Francis to hear directly from transgender and intersex Catholics and those who support them.” Issued … Read more

Don’t question the armchair terrorists

In American life, there are a handful of people who have been selected by the faceless regime lurking in the shadows as intellectual powerhouses. These titans of imaginary brainpower are so smart that you’re not even allowed to criticize them. In fact, they’re so off-limits that you’re not even allowed to ask them questions. Just … Read more

States and cities battle the latest social media-fueled lawlessness: street takeovers.

Rising social disorder in a post-Covid, defund-the-police America has forced cities and states to address new kinds of criminal outbreaks—from mass retail theft to squatting. Authorities have increasingly formed special police and prosecution units and toughened penalties in places as varied as New York City, Tampa, and Las Vegas to deal with these eruptions. Now … Read more

Feds Find Million In Cash While Investigating Staffing Firm Supplying Haitians To Charleroi, PA Food Factory

A mysterious staffing firm operating a complex van transportation network supplying low-cost Haitian labor to a Charleroi, PA-based company that operates multiple food packing plants in the area has been at the center of a federal investigation. On Friday, local media outlet Action News revealed that federal investigators had been investigating staffing firm Prosperity Services, … Read more

Remy: The Grundy County School Board

  Remy: The Grundy County School Board   Related PostsDon’t Shun Controversial Ideas and People. Debate Them. A Small Step against the Yearning for a Political Messiah The Left has a ‘send in the feds’ hypocrisy problem The human rights era failed us Red Friday

The Incredible Shrinking Mayor of Chicago

Brandon Johnson is rapidly establishing himself as one of the worst mayors in Chicago’s history. In just over a year and a half in office, his approval rating has plummeted to an abysmal 25 percent. This decline highlights broad-based discontent, not only among the civic and business communities but also in a significant portion of … Read more

Millions Of Gay People Die Of Hunger As One Bakery In Colorado No Longer Forced To Bake Them Wedding Cakes

U.S. — Millions of homosexuals have reportedly starved to death after Colorado’s Supreme Court affirmed the right of Jack Phillips to refuse to bake gay wedding cakes. No homosexuals could be reached for comment because they are all tragically dead. “After years of harassment I am finally free to just bake cakes,” said Jack Phillips, … Read more

The woke dehumanisation of Jews

That there is more to identity politics than just preferred pronouns or demanding more culturally sensitive university courses has been amply demonstrated since the atrocities committed by Hamas on 7 October 2023. Woke activist groups – including LGBT activists, Black Lives Matter, feminists and eco-zealots – responded to this barbaric event by becoming Hamas cheerleaders. … Read more

The defense of Israel and of Western civilization are one.

How do you commemorate something still unfolding? That question looms large today, on the 365th day since October 7, as we grapple with the brutal reality of a world irrevocably changed. How do we honor the lives lost on that terrible day and in the ensuing war for Israel’s survival, while also committing to build … Read more

The Israel-Gaza War: Evangelical vs. Catholic reactions

Next Monday, October 7th, marks the first anniversary of the terrorist attack on Israel by the terror group Hamas. It was this attack that started the Israel-Gaza War. Is there any issue in our public life more fraught than the Israel-Gaza War? I mean, for Catholics. We all know where faithful Catholics stand on, say, … Read more

Marriage is a Miracle

  Marriage is a Miracle   See “Adult Children of Divorce Speak Out“ Related PostsThe Homosexual Infestation of the Catholic Church A Question from Marriage Prep That Belongs in the Dating Sphere False Security Forgiveness Jonathan Haidt on the ‘National Crisis’ of Gen Z

Longshoremen stood down when they realized wrecking the economy wasn’t popular

Thursday’s announcement that the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) was ending its strike at east coast and Gulf of Mexico ports after just three days was a surprise given the union’s earlier bluster regarding the walkout. The ILA seems to have switched gears in response to popular backlash against the strike. The union was surprised to … Read more

Christian Halls International

Nicholas Ellis wants to tell a different story about what it means to flourish. “What does it mean to win at life if you stay in your local community?” he asks. “If you get educated within your community and you get married and build a family. And you’re part of that local civic enterprise—you’re the … Read more

Ports, Automation, and Progress

The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) strike, which halted the movement of exports and imports from East and Gulf Coast ports for three days, has been suspended. The union had been demanding a substantial wage increase and tighter restrictions on port automation. In a tentative agreement, the ILA got the substantial wage increase (62 percent over … Read more

Since abortion is such a hot-button issue, we should teach about it, in detail, in our public schools

I know the Left is all about education and “the science,” so I figured I’d throw this idea out there: What if, since abortion is such a hot button issue, we taught about it, in a very detailed fashion, in our public schools? Considering the fact that many in the electorate are voting simply based … Read more

The Vatican–China Pact Has Proved to Be a Catastrophe

It was a deal with the devil to begin with. The precise wording of the Vatican–China Provisional Agreement, signed on Sept. 22, 2018, remains a closely guarded secret, but its dire effects are plain for all to see. By affording legitimacy to the Chinese Communist Party–dominated Patriotic Catholic Church — theretofore deemed schismatic due its … Read more

Our Cities Are Run by Schmucks

There’s almost a surprising bit of good news in there if you squint: As hard as it is to believe, Eric Adams is the first sitting mayor of New York City to be indicted on federal charges. I’d have thought he’d be the fifth or the sixth or something. New York, our greatest city, is … Read more

A Palestine of the Mind

In 1974, the writer Jean Genet, an uncontested celebrity of the French Left, whose works extol the beauty of hoodlums, assassins, Black Panthers, the S.S., and Yasser Arafat’s Fedayeen, explained his attachment to the Palestinian cause: “It was completely natural for me to favor not only the most disadvantaged but those who distill hatred for … Read more

Antisemitism and the power of the big lie

LAST OCT. 7 was the deadliest day of violence against Jews since the end of the Holocaust. It was also the start of the most virulent eruption of antisemitism in the West since World War II. To mention but a single statistic, in the first three days following the ghastly Hamas pogrom, online calls for … Read more

The Massacre of Israeli Innocents –A Year Later

In just 10 days we will mark one year since the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel — the deadliest day for the world’s Jews since the Holocaust and the most catastrophic assault on the West since the 9/11 attack that brought down the Twin Towers. Make no mistake, the same evil movement is responsible for … Read more

Up From Hell: Timothy G. Patitsas’s The Ethics of Beauty

The most memorable nugget I mined from counseling was this admonition: What doesn’t get talked out gets acted out. Perhaps it’s predictable, coming from a profession that charges by the hour for talk. I am what those in The Professions more broadly call a cynic because I regard the counsel of doctors, therapists, lawyers, management … Read more

Feds and State AG Investigate an Alleged Human Trafficking Empire Run in Springfield, Ohio, for Years by ‘King George’

The story in this town is not about cats or dogs. It’s about mules. It’s a twin tragedy of migrant workers from Haiti exploited and locals from Springfield marginalized. Just about every week since 2019, First Diversity Staffing Group Inc. has shuttled vulnerable Haitian migrants in unmarked white Ford and Chevy vans from Florida to … Read more