Legislation would restore the full power of the Seventh Amendment

Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY) has introduced a bill offering the first legislative step toward administrative law court (ALC) reform. Known as the Seventh Amendment Restoration Act, the legislation would provide a critical avenue for people to bring their cases against federal agencies directly to federal courts. Specifically, Hageman’s proposed Seventh Amendment Restoration Act would allow … Read more

Give up candy? Mother Angelica’s 5 tips for your Lenten sacrifices

Mother Angelica, a pioneer in the world of Catholic communications, shared several tips over the years about Lenten resolutions and how we can grow in faith and prepare ourselves in the best way to accompany the Lord in his passion, death and resurrection. 1. Offer things that will last over time. Mother Angelica pointed out … Read more

Arab Hatred of Jews Predates the State of Israel

In the immediate aftermath of the horrific Hamas attack on Israel of October 7, 2023, reasonably informed opinion in most of the world, excluding Muslim or Arab nations, expressed shock and sympathy. Who could not be horrified by a preplanned act of mass violence in which over 1,200 Israelis (men, women, children, and babies) were … Read more

Pope Francis Ignores Church Massacre

On Feb 14, 2025, Muslim terrorists kidnapped 70 Christians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, took them to a church, tied them up and beheaded them. Their bodies were left there to rot by the Muslim killers who did it to show the supremacy of Islam over Christianity. Pope Francis made no mention of … Read more

Your sexual pathology doesn’t make you special

Those in the social mainstream have always justified themselves by contrast with the kinds of sins their milieu deems most shameful. The arrogant, self-righteous, and repressed within respectable society either deny their own sins outright, or cover them over as less egregious than the sins of the socially unacceptable. Christ overturned this when he told … Read more

In Defense of Justice Amy Coney Barrett

Two days ago, Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined the 5–4 majority that ruled against President Trump in the case of Department of State v. AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition. This has occasioned a great deal of criticism of Barrett from the right — to the point at which many commentators have felt comfortable describing her as … Read more

The Soviet Union is gone, but its admirers aren’t.

“Here I am, then. I have come home.” So said Pope John Paul II after landing in Warsaw in 1983, bending to kiss the soil of his native country. The mood was patriotic and defiant. “Poland for the Poles!” came the shouts from the crowd—union men, priests, fathers and their sons. “We are the real … Read more

DOGE and Congress Should Take a Chainsaw to Corporate Welfare

Handouts to corporations distort the market, breed corruption, and politicize the economy. . . . Industries Driven by Federal Money and Politics “More industries are becoming dependent on the federal government and driven by politics, which is a dangerous move toward central planning in the economy,” adds Edwards. “Cutting corporate welfare would free markets, boost … Read more

Are Cage-Free Laws To Blame for High Egg Prices?

State laws banning caged eggs are cutting off millions from cheaper options. America’s current spike in egg prices has quickly become one of the central public policy issues of early 2025. But while the emphasis in much of the media and amongst policymakers has focused on the epidemiology patterns of the avian flu, the government … Read more

Steel Prices Continue to Rise Even Before New Tariffs Take Effect

For nearly 60 years, the United States steel industry has been one of the most protected sectors of the American economy. Policymakers have showered an unsavory mix of trade restrictions to benefit domestic steel firms including quotas, tariffs, aggressive trade remedies, and procurement preferences. With the Trump administration promising a new onslaught of protectionism, steel … Read more

The Loathsome Tate Brothers

When controversial “manosphere” influencers Andrew and Tristan Tate flew into Florida on Thursday after having been detained in Romania, Governor Ron DeSantis was clear: “Florida is not a place where you’re welcome.” In Romania, both men are charged with exploiting women for financial gain and forming an organized crime group; in the U.K., Andrew faces … Read more

Christians Fight To Survive: ISIS in Iraq | EWTN News Special

  Christians Fight To Survive: ISIS in Iraq | EWTN News Special   Pagan terrorists “EWTN News documentary chronicles Iraq’s Christian history and ISIS impact“ Related PostsAs Pop Culture Lures Kids Toward The Occult, Neutrality Toward Witchcraft Isn’t Enough Kamala Harris’s Anti-Catholic Animus Nigeria’s elephant in the room Holy Spirit Suffering – Fr. Jacques Philippe

Be a Good Parent and Take Away Your Child’s Smartphone

Actress, mother of two, and school activist Sophie Winkleman began her recent address on children at the 2025 Alliance for Responsible Citizenship Conference in London by describing a recent scene from a packed London bus. Standing over a young man and a young woman, both intent on their smartphones, Winkleman noticed that each was on … Read more

The Terrifying Campaign Against Christians in India

Hindu leaders use WhatsApp to call for violence toward Christians on March 1. During President Trump’s recent meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the conversation centered on trade and economic issues, leaving little room for a far more urgent crisis. In the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh, Hindu leaders have urged men to gather … Read more

What Film Financing Tells Us About Politics

States offer steep subsidies to the film industry. But special interest groups extract these concentrated benefits at the cost of jobs in every other field. . . . According to the New York Times, a total of 38 states offered film subsidies in 2024, five of whom started doing so after 2022. While fewer than … Read more

What Socialist Influencers Get Wrong (Just About Everything)

  What Socialist Influencers Get Wrong (Just About Everything)   Related PostsThe uncomfortable truth about Black Lives Matter, Malcolm X and anti-Semitism California officials shut down illegal Chinese-run lab after detection of coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis How Federal Energy Regulations Make Dishwashers Worse Baltimore schools CEO made over $1M in five years, but her students still … Read more

The Andrew Tate Moral Rot and the Future of the American Right

On Thursday, disgraced “manosphere” influencer Andrew Tate and his brother, Tristan, boarded a private jet from Romania, where they have lived for years, to Florida. That these moral monsters have been welcomed to our shores with open arms is appalling and shameful. The saga also exposes an unfortunate fault line on the American Right — … Read more

Israel Stands for Something the West Can’t Stand: A Jewish Victory Over Evil

Over the years, I’ve shared a thought experiment with friends from the left and right: If you give a random member of Hamas or Hezbollah a button that can instantly kill every Jew in Israel, would they press it? No one has said no; almost everyone says yes. Even among the left, independent of any … Read more

Hummus and History

The chickpea connects modern-day Jews to our ancestors from thousands of years ago. Chickpeas were one of the first legumes to be cultivated by humans. Evidence of wild chickpeas dating back to 8000 BCE was discovered in Tell el-Kerkh, in present-day Syria. Called chometz in Hebrew, chickpeas are only mentioned once in the Bible, in … Read more

Preparing for the Pope’s Passing

At the time of this writing, Pope Francis is in critical condition at Gemelli University Hospital in Rome with a complex case of pneumonia in both lungs and early-stage kidney failure. Before all else, we pray for his well-being and peace. But death is in the air. The Swiss Guard have held funeral rehearsals. The … Read more

Immortal Stupidity, Revisited

One of the irritating things about DOGE—something that ought to bother conservative DOGE apologists more than it should—is the comprehensive lack of honesty in the thing. The so-called Department of Government Efficiency is not a department, it is really only quasi-government at most, and its aim is not efficiency. It is the right-wing mirror image … Read more

Research Says Big Federal Grants to Local Governments Breed Corruption

If you need another reason to hope for success from the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE)—you probably don’t, but there are plenty to go around—it turns out that efforts by the waste-hunting, government-shrinking (we hope) body may not just save money; it may help make people more honest. That’s because, after decades of increasing flows … Read more

Legalizing weed has provided fewer benefits and more hazards than supporters promised. Time for a rethink.

When marijuana legalization began in the U.S. over a decade ago, advocates promised sweeping benefits: an end to punitive treatment of users, especially minorities—thus striking a blow for social justice—and the creation of profitable, regulated markets driving economic growth. Legalization, they argued, would provide safer products and generate significant tax revenue, with minimal downsides, since … Read more

Download your Kindle ebooks while you still can

Your Kindle books have never belonged to you. Regardless of whether the button literally said “Buy Now” when you downloaded The Da Vinci Code, you never became the actual owner of it. In terms of ownership, the astute readers of fine print realised long ago that Amazon’s Kindle Store was only ever a Netflix or … Read more