Archbishop Joseph Naumann, a former chair of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-life Activities, recently noted that he was “sad” with the Vatican’s seeming insensitivity to the controversy surrounding Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden. Both public officials describe themselves as Catholic, and both have vigorously supported a “right” to abortion and other issues directly opposed to Catholic belief.
Archbishop Naumann’s comment was both admirable and generously diplomatic. He also warmly applauded Pope Francis’s subsequent remark that President Biden’s support for permissive abortion was “incoherent.” Unfortunately, merely acknowledging Mr. Biden’s “incoherence” on abortion doesn’t begin to capture the real sentiments of many faithful Catholics and other good people who worked long and hard to overturn Roe v. Wade. Many are frustrated with their leaders, both political and ecclesial.
It’s important to remember that the Holy See is unique. The Vatican has a duty to seek and maintain contact with a very wide range of governments and public leaders, some less savory than others. But political discretion on the world stage can never be an excuse for local bishops to avoid speaking the truth, and—worse—to decline to provide counsel and encouragement to faithful Catholic public officials seeking their support. Therein lies a story.
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So what’s my point? Simply this. It’s “incoherent,” and worse, for the Church to urge her people to be leaven in society—to be real disciples and gospel witnesses; to stay faithful to her teachings in their public lives and public service, despite the cost—if her own pastors lack the courage, or the common sense, to offer them encouragement and support.
To put it another way: We have leaders like Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Biden because we deserve them.